Table of Contents


Total publications listed in PubMed (updated by 16/01/2015): 222; sum of times cited: 9429; Average citations per paper: 35.85; h-index: 52; papers were published in international peer reviewed journals, including Nature Genetics, Nature Biotechnology, PNAS, Genome Research, NAR, etc., 14 international book chapters and one book edited.


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See department publications:


Co-founder of Genometra, a bioinformatics spin-off that provides advanced support and consultancy for the analysis of high-throughput data.


The Medical Genome Project, an initiative of the local government of Andalucia (Spain) to sequence 1000 patients (800 sequenced to date) of inherited diseases to search for new biomarkers and disease genes.

The HPC4Genomics consortium is a joint initiative of the Principe Felipe Research Center (CIPF), the University of Valencia (UVEG), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), the University Jaume I (UJI) and Bull that aims to combine genomic, bioinformatic and computing skills to address the new challenges posed by the technological advancement in genomics.

The CitrusGen project, one of the largest and most ambitious agrogenomics projects, that aims at sequencing more than 500 citric genomes for genetic improvement purposes.

The NAGEN project, to sequence 1000 whole genomes of patients from the Navarra Community to find new rare disease genes.